Dump #2

Here’s another load of sketches — this time digital format. I’ve been really trying to force myself to move from drawing to painting. Definitely a struggle, but it’s producing some of my best work yet.



~ by alwaysranting on December 29, 2011.

3 Responses to “Dump #2”

  1. love these… i’m using gimp, and feel i am missing some basic ideas to save time. what size canvas and resolution do you use? do you stick with one paint tool, or mix in pen/airbrush/paint, etc? why do marks never seem opaque or deep unless i use bucket fill? i’d appreciate any tips/info

    • Thanks! I’ve never used gimp before, so I’m not sure if I can help you with the technical problems. I would suggest using a hard brush and staying away from the airbrush or more artsy stuff until you are really comfortable with a basic brush. I only use the default brush setting in photoshop, and I have the flow and opacity set to my pen/tablet pressure.

      • gimp is pretty identical from what i understand. i do use the settings you mention, but use airbrushing as a lazy version of blending. when i started i used the blur tool more than the paintbrush, lol. b&w stuff comes easier for me, maybe cause i only did pencil work before… i noticed you had a palette already selected for one portrait- is that easier than making up colors as you go?

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